Hello! Welcome to your new website. Squarespace is an extremely simple and user friendly website that you can edit to your liking. Your website has custom graphic packages included that were designed by your developer. In addition to that, there is custom CSS and HTML coding injected into your website that further customizes your web experience! 


1) How can I add an Event?

Click this shortcut.

From the main navigation page, click on Pages. From there, navigate to the Events page. On the left, you'll see a white bar that has all your current and past events. Above these, you'll see a + sign, go ahead and click it. After you've clicked it, fill out all required fields and edit your new event to your liking and click Save & Publish. If you're not done editing, simply click Save instead. Come back when you're ready to finish and publish it.

2) How do I add a Page?

Click this shortcut.

From the main navigation page, click on Pages. From there, you'll see a + sign beside the Main Navigation header, click that. Depending on the content you're adding, click the respective page format you'd like to begin with. I can't explain how to setup each page because this will be thousands of words long. Click here to view the official Squarespace help page on the subject.

3) How do I view my site analytics?

Click this shortcut.

From the main navigation page, click on Analytics. From here, your main points of interest will be Traffic Overview, Traffic Sources, and Activity Log. These three categories will tell you what visitors are doing on your site the most, and what content their gravitating towards to naturally.

4) How do I update my wedding packages?

Click this shortcut.

From the main navigation page, click on Pages. From there, click on the Packages page. Hover your mouse over the webpage on the right, and you'll see Page Content - Edit / Banner / Settings pop up, click on Edit. Now you're able to edit any text you want on the webpage and add whatever content you'd like. Once you're done, click on Save.

5) How do I update my pictures?

From the main navigation page, click on Pages. From there, click on the page that you want to edit. On the right, you'll see the website preview. Simply hover your mouse over the section you want to edit and you'll see "Page Name" - Edit / Banner / Settings pop up, click on Edit. Next, hover over the pictures you want to update and you'll see Gallery - Edit, click Edit. From there you can add, remove, or modify your images. Click Save when you're finished.

As long as you don't edit anything major or try to change the core of the website itself, you won't damage anything. I recommend getting me to edit anything major as you do have custom coding that is tailored specifically for the web design you see on your site now, and changing anything will make it look funky.

I decided to set you up with Squarespace in oppose to my go-to web development program, Wordpress. Squarespace is many times cheaper and a lot less of a learning curve, especially since you'll be adding Events, changing pictures, adding text, etc.

For any further support with the internals of your website, please don't hesitate to contact me. For learning how to use the Squarespace platform inside and out, please refer to the Squarespace Support portal and search away! They will literally have the answer to all your questions. If for some reason they don't, search the Community Answers section as tons of people have experienced every problem imaginable already.


Thank you!

- Jordan Holloway
Creative Director, Cinematographer
Hol Creative